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From the get-go.. From the get-go 처음부터, 최초부터最初(さいしょ)から、初(はじ)めから I knew his personality from the get-go. 난 원래부터 그애 성격을 알고 있었어.そもそも彼の性格をわかっていたよ。 かれ せいかく I have been your friend from the get-go. 우린 처음부터 쭉 친구였잖아. 最初からずっと友達だったよ。 さいしょ ともだち I didn’t understand any of that from the get-go. 시작부터 무슨 소린지 하나도 못 알아 들었어. 初めからさっぱり理解できなかったね。 はじ りかい 더보기
Ward off something.. Ward off something 떨쳐내다, 물리치다, 막아내다 避(さ)ける、防(ふせ)ぐ、撃退(げきたい)する Garlic is used to ward off vampires. 마늘은 흡혈귀를 쫓아내는데 쓰인답니다. ニンニクは 吸血鬼を 退治するとき 使われます。 きゅうけつき たいじ つか Garlic is one of the world’s oldest medicines and is an incredibly potent spice that can ward off a variety of illnesses and diseases. It has amazingly high levels of vitamins and minerals including vitamin C and B-6 and minerals such as s.. 더보기
On the spur of the moment.. On the spur of the moment 충동적으로, 갑자기衝動的(しょうどうてき)に、とっさに I just decided to start this blog on the spur of the moment. 얼떨결에 블로그 한번 해 볼려고요.思いつきでブログ始めちゃいました。 おも はじ 더보기